What is a high-value man, anyway?

what is a high-value man
I see you.

She says,
What is a high-value man? In Kevin’s video, he talked about weight requirements for attractive high-value men, whatever the heck that means. So I wanted to kind of…

CB says,
Well, you know exactly what that means. Whether is a financial high value or just a certain character trait generic sort of thing. Let us not pretend that you do not know what it is. You basically look at 10% of people and then there is no average. Everything else is just irrelevant.

She says,
…talk about *the video* and then, I feel what a high-value man truly is… …According to Kevin and his followers a high-value man, number 1 is a man who has high earnings, has the finances. And while I agree, finances are important. I feel like you could be someone who is not wealthy and still be considered a high-value man. You could be making under 50k a year and live in the hood and still be…

CB says,
I think you could just be *high moral* and just a good person, solid!.. But value! We are talking money here, if you are really thinking about the term value, just in a pure, worldly sense.

She says,
…a high value. The idea of being a high-value man in my eyes, when I first came across the term, I thought of a man who essentially be husband-material, somebody who is charismatic, well-spoken, educated, someone that people would…

CB says,
Here comes the list. It is just “list them all off” now. They get out the 20 to 30 pages.

She says,
…look up to and respect. And that was really what I thought a high-value man was and according to him (Kevin), you have to have finances and I think that it is absolutely ridiculous.

The high-value man comments

jeskaaable says,
As soon as she tried to sell us the “height doesn’t matter”, you can safely disregard anything else she says.

seriously short of normal says,
His haters, Kevin Samuels, will call him all kinds of things but they never say he’s wrong.

Jimmy Fitzgerald says,
Fact: women don’t really like a man having a HUGE beer gut. So, why would a man accept a woman who appears pregnant, but it’s just all the free meals from all those foodie calls? Americans in general have a high BMI that we all need to resolve. Myself included I could benefit from losing 12 pounds. But I know this, and I am accountable for this. What Men are trying to point out is the fact many, many women are tipping the scales in a major way, but think they deserve a Spartan! That’s just delusional! Regular dudes can accept women are human and get stretch marks and cellulite. But if you’re looking like a busted Philsberry dough biscuit can, we’re not attracted to that…please lose either the fat or the attitude ladies. Preferably both. Or don’t and be alone.

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