TikTok best gaslighter

tiktok best gaslighter
She has a pretty smile.

Think before you sleep does a reaction video to TikTok best gaslighter Drew Afualo and her famous cackle. He exposes her hypocrisy, double-standard, and gaslighting.

TikTok best gaslighter comments

Will Porter says,
Her “laugh” would actually be better described as a “cackle”.

Strepto Coco says,
I have seen this Hyena in many vids and honestly hearing her condescending patronizing laughter is torture.

JackSocks says,
There’s a culture in my house where everyone accuses each other of gaslighting… So as someone who’s been accused, and watched it done to me, I can say with full clarity most of the people on this channel are complete gaslighters. It’s both lying to others, and to yourself… Convincing them of a story you created in your head… Designed to make you go crazy. Don’t let women gaslight you, call it out when you see it. Don’t even let your own family do it. You can’t just be nice anymore; when others try to make you seem insane, you can be insane, or you can rise above it.

kopo / says,
I love how someone this vile, toxic, and obnoxious will bring up their relationship to justify their actions and behavior. A relationship doesn’t define you as a good person, terrible people can be in relationships with terrible people or ruin a decent person’s life. So, her saying she has a man and had him for 5 years doesn’t mean a thing. He’s either just as terrible as she is or he mentally checked out of the relationship.

Deep down, she cares

💕 Miss Simone 💕 says,
Drew literally seems like the kinda person who says “I don’t care what you think about my body” then scrolls her comments section for an hour while crying, binging, and purging.

Aphixios says,
Being unable to take accountability for actions makes a weak character, we see that in our political leaders all the time; how sad

Millennial Smark says,
“Why would I platform….”

Ok, so she’s implying status would get her to debate? Someone send this to Matt Walsh.

Lostsouls46 says,
I love that the mannequin point he made perfectly highlights that these people are too stupid to realize that they’re just being pandered to so those big corporations can take their money.

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